As a shock to absolutely no one, there's been some major changes in the rest of the year because of the COVIDs, so the whole release schedule needed to be redone. Just upfront: THERE'S SOMETHING PRETTY COOL COMING OUT THIS MONTH. This month as in September 2020. Then some even cooler stuff at the end of October.
But before I get ahead of myself, the new release dates are as follows:
Will there be a cover reveal in the next few days? Oh you bet your bee-hinds there's gonna be a cover reveal! I'll reveal all of the covers! Well, all of the covers that are for this one single ebook. Which is 1 cover. Possibly 2. Hey, I might post the previous iteration that didn't make it on the finished book. In the meantime, you can entertain yourself with a whole new thread of 365's worth of microfiction over at my Twitter here (click link through to the first tweet of the thread).
As the title says, there's going to be some wee bit of rescheduling.
As the protests over George Floyd's murder, and the continued police brutality and systemic racism, take place all over the world, I feel it would be in very poor form to just go about my business as per usual, advertising new releases, asking people to buy my product like nothing's going on. Because just like the pandemic, this isn't a single instance or an issue that only affects the few. This is a movement that speaks to underlying power structures and ideals in most western cultures. SO... I'm pushing back publishing Why You Really Need A Werewolf, and focusing on something that might be useful for many right now. When it's time for werewolf foolery, I'll update on a new release date and the cover. This could be next week, or next month. Or if it becomes evident that some absolutely ridiculous escapism might be needed right now, it can be sooner. But as of this moment. the June 10th release is cancelled and the project goes in to the TBA-pile. Meanwhile, I'll have some freebies coming next week. Until then, stay safe and take care of each other. Slowly shuffling into June is the best possible time to post a release schedule for the year, isn't it? Ok maaaabey there have been mitigating circumstances that have put all schedules firmly in the bin and set them on fire. I would lie if I claimed that the pandemic has not affected creativity or productivity at all. But in the end what it did was merely push things off for a few months, so only a few things ended up dropping off from this year's schedule and on to the next, which is something I'm incredibly grateful for. A release schedule for ebooks goes thusly:
Covers will be revealed as the last 7 months of this doozy wear on, and if there are any changes, I'll post about them on here.... since that whole Patreon thing and also the newsletter are still kind idk what even are these things do people read them or maybe they're some kind of a waffle. I've also been doodling a social distancing comic over on Tumblr. Like this! In all honesty, for the past few weeks I've been lucky if I've managed to make a loose sketch for it, never mind an inked page. Sometimes the world just gets you like that. And I just have to accept that I have a lot of loose sketches to finish off in the coming week. But you can catch them all at When this [gestures at everything] situation has simmered down to a relative new normal, I'll put all of those sketches together into a little booklet. When will that be? Well, fingers crossed it'll be sooner than you think. Until then, be excellent to each other! |
AuthorI draw things and I write things. I also lift heavy things and like food because food is good. That about sums it up. Archives
September 2020